My Strong Body
The year I turned 40 my friend (and fellow '77 baby) Lisa invited me to start running with her. That winter we crushed a 10k running clinic held on several of the coldest, darkest nights of the year. Having never run more than 5k before, this was a big challenge for me but I loved it. I loved running in the cold. I loved seeing the improvement over time. It was amazing! The following October Rick and I ran a half marathon, something I had never imagined doing. I have continued running on and off in the years since then, loving the feeling of being able to get out and run 5k without much training when the Santa Shuffle came around. The next year Lisa started an online community that was part fitness accountability, part sisterhood, part support group, and exactly what I needed. For the first time in a long time I started making time for myself to move my body every day. I got stronger and healthier. Being part of the community helped me stay connected in a way that made it easy to g...