Fun and Friends
Yesterday I had made plans to do a couple of fun things. I went shopping in the morning with some gift cards that had been burning a hole in my pocket since June - goodbye gifts from my Eastview Science family. I'm not much of a shopper, but it was nice to get out and buy myself a couple of nice, comfy things. A student I hadn't seen in years was working in one of the stores I visited, and it was really great to see her and speak with her. After my little shopping excursion I had the great pleasure of visiting my hair stylist/magician/whisperer Kendra. She very generously made space for me when I let her know what was going on with my health. Most of you know that my hair has been quite long for a while AND that I have had very, very short hair a few times in the past. Having had short hair before made it really easy to decide to chop it all off this week. I know that if hair loss is one of the side effects of my chemo (I don't know this for sure yet but I know it is very l...