Hello there, I'm a little radioactive!
I am probably still a little radioactive after my bone scan yesterday. It's neat to know that I have a little technetium inside me. It's completely synthetic (one of the most unnatural things in the world) but can help us spot whether some bad (but much more natural?!?) things are going on inside my bones. It was really interesting to see my skeleton during the scan. I saw the positioning scan image (not the diagnostic 3D image...yet) and it looked like a pretty typical skeleton to me.
Lying still for 30 minutes during the scan was sort of nice. The first time in many days that I've been completely still without any company or distractions but my own thoughts. Probably much needed.
Mood today is calm but also a little anxious. Read a little. Walked the dog. Cleaned up my marking and grades since it is likely I won't return to school after March Break. The house has been very quiet as the girls are with my family in Niagara until tomorrow.
I really want to know more about what is happening and waiting is difficult.
waiting is a hell of its own.